I read about your blog today in your moms email. Cool idea ;-) I'm sure you'll have a good time, seeing a lot of new things, a different country, different people, improving your English by using it every day. What about the irish dialect. It sounds funny, doesn't it. All the best from Brig
2 Kommentare:
Hi Pascal
I read about your blog today in your moms email. Cool idea ;-) I'm sure you'll have a good time, seeing a lot of new things, a different country, different people, improving your English by using it every day. What about the irish dialect. It sounds funny, doesn't it. All the best from Brig
hey zaeme
merci fuer de itrag. en dialekt haen ich bis jetz nunig gfunde, aber sie doend echli lischple und deshalb verstohts mers nur ganz schlecht.
vereggneti gruess
pascal artho
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